For our amateur scientists who are curious...
Quantum Reality
Point of No Return
Theory of Everything
The God Particle
Quantum Reality
Point of No Return
Theory of Everything
The God Particle
The Quantum Realm is full of uncertainties and probabilities and asks questions that our state of the art physics still don't have an answers to. Once a great scientist said, "At the Quantum Level, every probable event is a 100% possible event" and quantum experiment has proved it.
Here at this level subatomic particles behave like a wave holding all of their particle properties at the same time, the wave-particle duality. Particles, here, doesn't acquire a particular spacial position but they are present at all probable space at all the times, the quantum superposition. The interesting thing about this realm is that "the act of measurement" decides what place and property a particular particle is going to have among all the other probabilities that it can have.
At this Quantum Realm particles interact with each other in a wholly different way. Two particles interacted at the beginning can exchange their properties, no matter the distance, without actually interacting with each other. That's Quantum Entanglement or "Spooky Action At Distance", as quoted by Dr. Albert Einstein. Till this day our science doesn't have an answer to this phenomena!
Let's have an insight to this spooky problem, say, or phenomena. Take two electrons, entangle them at source and keep one at Earth and send other to Moon. Well thanks to Pauli's Principle we know that both the electrons have opposite spin. Now carefully changing the spin of Electron on earth simultaneously changes the spin of electron on moon. It happens in just the opposite way, like if you up your right hand I'll up my left and vice-versa. You can take distance to be relativistic, still the exchange of information between the two entangled particles happens in real time, somehow breaking the speed barrier. This very phenomena made Dr. Einstein cry like a baby for decades and say statements like, "God doesn't play dice", or "Spooky action at distance".
One of the most controversial aspect of Quantum Entanglement is "Teleportation". At Canary Island on The Coast of Africa there are two laboratories. Dr. Anton Zylinger and his team produced a pair of Entangled Photons, kept one at La Palma and sent the
other to Tenerife Island 143 KM away by Laser. Now he introduced a Third Photon and made it interact with the one at La Palma. Quantum Data of the third photon was taken and sent to Tenerife and then something happened that was no less than a miracle. The third photon vanished at La Palma and appeared at Tenerife without actually covering the space in between. The damn little Photon was "Teleported".
Thanks to Dr. Anton Quantum Entanglement is not a spooky thing from Science Fiction anymore. "Give me the Quantum State Data of all the particles and I can teleport anything, even Humans", said Dr. Zylinger. It took us more than 10,000 years to understand that Earth is not the centre of the Universe and took us mere 500 years to get in the world where every new discovery gets old on the very next day of its birth. How long do you think is when we start using teleportation for our day to day life ?!
For our amateur scientists who are curious...
Quantum Reality
Point of No Return
Theory of Everything
The God Particle
Quantum Reality
Point of No Return
Theory of Everything
The God Particle
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