Mysteries of the Universe revealed in layman's language. All these posts are brainchild of my deep analysis, observation and study of The Universe, Particle Physics and Astrophysics.

We are Star Dust

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Neutron Star - The Clock of The Universe

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Posted by Arun Vishwakarma , , No comments

Neutron star or Pulsar is the densest and tinniest star known to exist in the Universe. It is the result of the gravitational collapse of a massive star after the supernova explosion and the protons and the electrons  (present in the core of the star) fusing with each other to form neutrons.

Neutron Stars are very hot and composed of neutrons only. It was firstly proposed in 1934 and was reported in 1967. It rotates at a rapid speed of approximately 642 rotations/sec. Its surface temperature is about 6 x 10^5 K.

They appear white when seen with naked eyes. Although having diameter of about 10 km they can have mass of several times the solar mass. They are also known as the "Clock of The Universe" because of their perfect and constant time of rotation (different neutron star have different time of rotation).


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This site belongs to Arun Vishwakarma and is the result of his own observations and analysis. This site doesn't uses any copyright material and if so then the acknowledgements were given as and when necessary. All the names and the core theories that are mentioned in any of the post is taken from different sources viz. Wikipedia, Google, etc. and except that the rest of the hypothesis and proposed theories are my own. All the concepts that are given in the posts are the brainchild of Arun and it is in no way criticize or prove other theories wrong rather it tries to define them using new concepts and provides new ideas to rethink them.