Mysteries of the Universe revealed in layman's language. All these posts are brainchild of my deep analysis, observation and study of The Universe, Particle Physics and Astrophysics.

We are Star Dust

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Space-Time : A Universal Half Theory

Thursday, April 17, 2014 Posted by Arun Vishwakarma , , No comments

Space-Time is just a 2-D wired frame for 4-Dimensions to describe the whole of the Universe. Body no matter how big or small they are, if they have mass then space-time can describe their gravitational field and the effects caused by it i.e. motion, variation in values of same time for different objects, etc.

But as we know that the known universe is 5% and the unknown is 95% then the question arises how to explore the rest of the universe. From Schrödinger Wave equation we all know that there can be more dimensions that we don't know.

Thus describing whole universe using a half theory is not correct as doing this we kill the properties that can be of other dimensions.

To explore the other dimensions we should work on those events that actually exists but our present theories fails to explain them. An example of such an event is SINGULARITY.


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This site belongs to Arun Vishwakarma and is the result of his own observations and analysis. This site doesn't uses any copyright material and if so then the acknowledgements were given as and when necessary. All the names and the core theories that are mentioned in any of the post is taken from different sources viz. Wikipedia, Google, etc. and except that the rest of the hypothesis and proposed theories are my own. All the concepts that are given in the posts are the brainchild of Arun and it is in no way criticize or prove other theories wrong rather it tries to define them using new concepts and provides new ideas to rethink them.