Mysteries of the Universe revealed in layman's language. All these posts are brainchild of my deep analysis, observation and study of The Universe, Particle Physics and Astrophysics.

We are Star Dust

Saturday, June 14, 2014

What is Reality ?

Saturday, June 14, 2014 Posted by Arun Vishwakarma , , , No comments

Reality is a respective thing. Everyone has its own view and reality. Reality is nothing but the way how we observe and manipulate an event. Everybody has their own view and perspective and based on that they analyze an event differently.

Based on the events in nature, observation and the resulting analysis humans had defined some laws. For an event using those laws we can define past and predict future. Also the event can be as elusive as  gravitational waves and can be as huge as a supernova explosions.

Let us take the example of a fish in a bowl. For us the bowl is curved, bulged in the middle, flat at base and open at above. Glass and water both refracts light to some angle and when looked through give a very unclear and distorted picture in our frame of reference. Now for the fish with all those distorted conditions she can define all the physical laws which are true in her frame of reference. Using all those laws she can define past and predict the future correctly as we do.

Reality for the fish in the bowl has its own meaning. All the laws defined by the fish are relative to her distorted space-time but for us with respect to our world her reality is distorted. So, we can say that meaning of reality is so vague and solely depends on how the observer manipulates an event. Also frame of reference plays an important role in defining an event.

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This site belongs to Arun Vishwakarma and is the result of his own observations and analysis. This site doesn't uses any copyright material and if so then the acknowledgements were given as and when necessary. All the names and the core theories that are mentioned in any of the post is taken from different sources viz. Wikipedia, Google, etc. and except that the rest of the hypothesis and proposed theories are my own. All the concepts that are given in the posts are the brainchild of Arun and it is in no way criticize or prove other theories wrong rather it tries to define them using new concepts and provides new ideas to rethink them.